February 21: Bug of the Month Club (Snails)

Welcome to Sarah's Science Scrapbook!

We learned that snails are hermaphrodites (each snail is both male and female).

This made naming our pet snails a bit of a challenge, but the bugsters came up with some great names.

Some of the names we came up with are: Sticky, Feelers, Slimey, Smonkey, Mini, Goldie, Stinky, and Sleepy Head.

By the way, Rayna discovered that May 24th is National Escargot Day! But don't worry, we won't be eating our pet snails.

Thanks for stopping by! Check back soon for updates from our year round programs.

Can't get enough of Sarah's Science? Check out our other year-round programs such as the Bug of the Month Club, Science Night, and Winter Camp.

For more information about This Land is Your Land summer day camp or other programs offered by Sarah's Science, or to enroll in sessions at San Ramon, Oakland, or Berkeley, please visit our web site or call our office at (510) 581-3739 or send us an email.