July 19 – 23, 2010 "Sports Science"

Welcome to the Sarah's Science and This Land is Your Land Summer Day Camp Scrapbook!

This week at camp was "Sports Science."

Music time was filled with great sports songs and cheers.

We had fun building cool sports toys while learning about simple machines and magnetism. Projects included an Arm Flinging Catapult, a Batter's-Up Baseball Blaster, a Reel-It-Up Fishing Rod, a Magnetic Shuffleboard, and a Mini-Backetball Catapult. We also made Sarah's Science visors and racing bibs.

During Freaky Friday Fun Time, we dressed up as our favorite athletes and sports stars.

And we got in the spirit with some face painting and hair styling.

Of course, the week didn't progress without a small rivalry...

During Freaky Friday Fun Time, we also played a number of organized games and participated in relay races including a three legged race, a crab walk, and an egg race.

Thanks for stopping by. Check back soon for updates!

For more information about This Land is Your Land summer day camp or other programs offered by Sarah's Science, or to enroll in sessions at San Ramon, Oakland, or Berkeley, please visit our web site or call our office at (510) 581-3739 or send us an email.